Sunday, July 12, 2009

the beginning

here i am, a mum of an 8 month old girl who is jam packed full of energy and i'm wanting to start my own online business! am i mad??

seems like there's an awful lot of people out there who have done, or are doing, the same thing. would love to hear of any experiences of other people that i can learn from. of course, i've read all the talk from people who have experienced business and are clever enough to write it down coherently but i'm sure there's plenty people out there who just plod along with their wee business and haven't had the chance to share their views. i'm a straight up person - what's the pro's and what's the cons?

i've gone through so many ideas (stolen from other sources) but it took me an awful long time to decide on one that i can do without too much expense and it shouldn't take too long to produce the product from my home computer. i'm still not certain on it. i'm the type of person that can hum and haw for an awful long time, but once i make a firm decision, that's it. solid as a rock!!

well, the wee one's woken and looking for attention so off i trot to get her up.

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